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Your search for the author "SmashedMilkMan" returned 3 matches.

Extreme Ping Pong
  Author: SmashedMilkMan
This is just a fun and intense Ping Pong game. Not for the light hearted! Theres 1 player and 2 player modes.
The Epic Video Game Quiz
  Author: SmashedMilkMan
Smashed and I have been working on this for a while. We were both aiming for a solid, and fun video game quiz. It also includes many different eras of video games. From the NES to the Xbox 360. We covered a lot in this quiz coming out to a total of 5...
The FPS Video Game Quiz
  Author: SmashedMilkMan
A quiz to test your knowledge on FPSs dating back to the 90s to now, Are you good enough to beat itAlso has a scoreboard!And can you find the 6 easter eggs